.Management Sciences
Category: Group III A and IVA Elements
Aluminium oxide is_________________?
A. Acidic oxide
B. Basic oxide
C. Amphoteric oxide
D. It does not exists
Identify the correct statement regarding CO_______________?
A. it combines with H2O to form carbonic acid
B. it reacts with red blood cells of haemoglobin
C. it is powerful oxidizing agent
D. it is used to prepare aerated drinks
The process of aluminium extraction is called__________________?
A. Hall process
B. Thermite process
C. Haber process
D. Contact process
CO2 is gas while SiO2 is solid at room temperature?
A. carbon is non-metal while silicon is semi-metal
B. CO2 is an independent molecule while SiO2 has network covalent structure
C. CO2 forms multiple bond while silicon does not form multiple bonds
D. Silicon has all sigma bonds
Because of its ability to combine with both oxygen and nitrogen aluminium metal is used_____________?
A. As nitrometer
B. To remove air bubbles from molten metal
C. To produce alloy
D. As insulator
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