.Management Sciences
Category: Diagnostic Test
For a given process the heat changes at constant pressure (qp) and at constant volume (qv) are related to each other as___________________?
A. qp = qv
B. qp < qv
C. qp > qv
D. qp = qv / 2
Nitrates of which pair gives different products on thermal decomposition___________________?
A. Na K
B. Mg Ca
C. Li Na
D. Li Ca
The process of fermentation involves all the enzymes except__________________?
A. Diastase
B. Invertase
C. Zymase
D. Sucrase
A real gas obeying vander waals equation will resemble the ideal gas if_______________________?
A. Both a and b are small
B. Both a and b are large
C. a is small and b is large
D. a is large and b is small
When toluene reacts with chlorine in sunlight the first major product is__________________?
A. Benzy1 chloride
B. Benzal dichloride
C. O-chlorotoluene
D. O-chlorotoluene and P-chlorotoluene
Which of the following can be used in laptops ?
A. Silver oxide battery
B. Fuel cell
C. Nickel cadmium cell
D. Lead accumulator
Which is true about Zn-Cu galvanic cell ?
A. Reduction occurs at anode
B. K+ ion transfer from salt bridge to left beaker of ZnSO4
C. Oxidation occurs at cathode
D. Anode is negatively charged
Which one does not give borax bead test_________________?
A. Copper sulphate
B. Barium sulphate
C. Cobalt sulphate
D. Nickel sulphate
Keeping in view the size of atom which is in correct order___________________?
A. Mg > Sr
B. Ba > Mg
C. Lu > Ce
D. CI > 1
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