.Management Sciences
Category: Stoichiometry
The temperature at which a real gas obeys Boyle’s law is termed as the__________________?
A. Triple point
B. Boyle’s temperature
C. Eutectic point
D. Inversion temperature
If the partial pressure of the solvent in the vapor phase is equal to the vapor pressure of the solvent at that temperature, then the system is said to be at its___________________?
A. Bubble point
B. Saturation temperature
C. Dew point
D. Both B. and C.
Fireclay bricks are not used in the________________?
A. Beehive coke oven
B. By-product coke oven walls
C. Combustion chamber of B.F. stoves
D. Coke oven regenerators
In osmosis through a semi-permeable membrane, diffusion of the___________________?
A. Solvent is from low concentration to high concentration region
B. Solvent is from high concentration to low concentration region
C. Solute takes place
D. None of these
The molecules of a liquid which is in equilibrium with its vapor at its boiling point on an average have equal _____________ in the two phases?
A. Potential energy
B. Intermolecular forces
C. Kinetic energy
D. Total energy
Fireclay bricks is not used for lining the_______________?
A. Cupola
B. Gas producer
C. Bottom of hot metal mixer
D. Roof of open hearth furnace
Pick out the wrong unit conversion ?
A. 1 atm. = 760 mm Hg = 29.92 inch Hg = 14.7 psi = 1.013 bar = 1.013 kgf/cm2
B. 1 kPa = 100 bar
C. 1 mm Hg = 1 torr = 133.3 Pa
D. None of these
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