.Management Sciences
Category: Polymer Technology
Identify the group in which all the polymers mentioned can be used to make fibres ?
A. Butadiene copolymers, Polyamides, Urea-formaldehyde
B. Cellulose derivatives, Polyisoprene, Polyethylene
C. Cellulose derivatives, Polyamides, Polyurethane
D. Polypropylene, Poly vinyl chloride, Silicon
In step growth polymerisation, condensation occurs in a stepwise manner with or without the elimination of smaller molecules. An example of step growth polymerisation product is________________?
A. Terylene
B. Polybutadiene
D. Polypropylene
Liners of bags are usually made of ____________________?
A. Polythene
C. Polypropylene
D. Polyesters
Visco-elastic behaviour exhibited by plastics is a ______________ like behaviour?
A. Solid
B. Liquid
C. Combination of solid & liquid
D. Neither solid nor liquid
Thermoplastic materials___________________?
A. Do not soften on application of heat
B. Are heavily branched molecules
C. Are solvent insoluble
D. None of these
Which of the following is not the commercial name of poly-methyl-methacrylate (PMMA) ?
A. Perspex
B. Lucite
C. Plexiglass
D. Teflon
Acrylonitrile is mainly used in the _____________ industry?
A. Polymer
B. Printing
C. Dyeing
D. Photographic
Out of all the elastomers, natural rubber has the longest elongation range & flexibility of the order of _______________ percent?
A. 1-1000
B. 1000-1500
C. 1500-2000
D. 2000-2500
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