.Management Sciences
Category: Petroleum Refinery Engineering
Molecular weight of petrol may be about ____________________?
A. 40-60
B. 100-130
C. 250-300
D. 350-400
In sweetening process, solutizer agent used with caustic alkali is_______________?
A. Potassium isobutyrate
B. Sodium plumbite
C. Methanol
D. Phenol
The reservoir rock containing petroleum has_________________?
A. Low porosity
B. High permeability
C. High porosity
D. Both B. and C.
The average boiling point of aviation turbine fuel is closest to that of__________________?
A. Lubricating oils
C. Diesel
D. Kerosene
Choose the correct statement regarding thermal cracking ?
A. Moderate changes in operating temperature does not change the depth of cracking
B. Increased residence time results in the decreased severity of cracking
C. At low pressure, the yield of lighter hydrocarbons are more
D. Greater depth of cracking gives lower octane number gasoline
Testing of the knocking characteristics of petrofuels is done in a _________________ engine ?
A. Carnot
B. CFR (Co-operative fuel research)
C. Stirling
D. Diesel
Aniline point test of an oil qualitatively indicates the ______________ content of an oil?
A. Paraffin
B. Olefin
C. Aromatic
D. Naphthene
LPG when brought to atmospheric pressure & temperature will be a________________?
A. Liquid lighter than water
B. Liquid heavier than water
C. Gas lighter than air
D. Gas heavier than air
The best method of determining sulphur in crude oil is by the _______________ method?
A. Kjeldahl
B. Dumas
C. Bomb calorimeter
D. Junkers calorimeter
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