.Management Sciences
Category: Nuclear Power Engineering
The atomic number of a radioactive element is not changed, when it emits _____________ rays?
A. α
B. β
C. γ
D. α & β
The ratio of volume of an atom to that of its nucleus is__________________?
A. 1012
B. 10-12
C. 10-8
D. 108
The half life period of a radioactive substance is best determined by counting the number of alpha particles emitted per second in a Geiger Muller counter from its known quantity. If the half life period of a radioactive substance is one month, then____________?
A. 3/4th of it will disintegrate in two months
B. It will completely disintegrate in two months
C. It will completely disintegrate in four months
D. 1/8th of it will remain intact at the end of four months
“Critical mass” is the minimum mass of nuclear fissile material required for the__________________?
A. Sustainment of chain reaction
B. Power generation on commercial scale
C. Economic power generation
D. None of these
The 92U238 emits an a-particle. The product is____________________?
A. 90U234
B. 90U238
C. 90U236
D. 92U236
Thermal neutrons which are used to cause the fission of U-235 have energy _____________ eV?
A. < 0.025
B. > 1
C. 1-25
D. > 200
Heavy water used in the nuclear reactors to slow down the speed of neutrons is __________________?
A. Highly purified water
B. A compound of oxygen and deuterium
C. Water having dissolved salts of heavy metals
D. None of these
Primary purpose of a ____________ nuclear reactor is to supply a high neutron flux of the order of 1013 to 1014neutrons/cm2 second?
A. Research
B. Power
C. Breeder
D. Homogeneous
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