.Management Sciences
Category: Nuclear Power Engineering
Candu reactor is a ______________ nuclear reactor?
A. Natural uranium fuelled heavy water cooled & moderated
B. Highly enriched uranium (85% U-235) fuelled
C. Homogeneous
D. Fast breeder
Heavy water (D2O) in a nuclear reactor serves as a_______________?
A. Coolant
B. Moderator
C. Both A. & B.
D. Neutron absorber
The atomic number of an element is equal to the number of ______________ present in its atom?
A. Neutrons
B. Electrons
C. Protons
D. Either B. or C.
Nuclear fuel usually used in a Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) is__________________?
A. Plutonium
B. Enriched uranium
C. Natural uranium
D. Thorium
____________ nuclear reactor does not require a heat exchanger to supply steam to power turbine?
A. Molten sodium cooled
B. Helium cooled
C. Boiling water
D. Pressurised water
Coolant used in a fast breeder reactor is____________________?
A. Molten sodium
B. Heavy water
C. Ordinary water
D. Helium
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