.Management Sciences
Category: Mass Transfer
_______________ column is used in gas absorption process ?
A. Wetted wall
B. Sieve/perforated tray
C. Bubble cap
D. Packed
Dorr thickener is an equipment used for______________________?
A. Classification
B. Sedimentation
C. Clarification
D. Leaching
Ponchon-Savarit method analyses the fractional equipment based on___________________?
A. Enthalpy balance only
B. Material balance only
C. Both enthalpy and material balances
D. The assumption of constant molal-overflow
Mass transfer rate between two fluid phases does not necessarily depend on the ______________ of the two phases?
A. Chemical properties
B. Physical properties
C. Degree of turbulence
D. Interfacial area
For a binary mixture with low relative volatility___________________?
A. Use steam distillation
B. Use molecular distillation
C. Use high pressure distillation
D. An azeotrope may be formed during distillation
Which of the following is the most suitable for extraction in a system having very low density difference ?
A. Mixer-settler extractor
B. Centrifugal extractor
C. Pulsed extractor
D. Packed extraction tower
Heat in BTU necessary to increase the temperature of 1 lb of gas and its accompanying vapour by 1°F is called the________________?
A. Latent heat
B. Humid heat
C. Specific heat
D. Sensible heat
Heat load in a cooling tower______________________?
A. Means the amount of heat thrown away (KCal/hr.) by the cooling tower
B. Is equal to the number of kg, of water circulated times the cooling range
C. Both A. & B.
D. Neither A. nor B.
Make up water is supplied during cooling tower operation to compensate for water losses due to______________________?
A. Evaporation
B. Blowdown
C. Entrainment
D. All A., B. & C.
Which of the following parameters remains almost constant during adiabatic saturation of unsaturated air ?
A. Dry bulb temperature
B. Dew point
C. Wet bulb temperature
D. None of these
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