.Management Sciences
Category: Fluid Mechanics for Chemical
The terminal velocity of a small sphere settling in a viscous fluid varies as the___________________?
A. First power of its diameter
B. Inverse of the fluid viscosity
C. Inverse square of the diameter
D. Square of the difference in specific weights of solid & fluid
A centrifugal pump loses prime after starting. The reason of this trouble may be_____________________?
A. Incomplete priming
B. Too high a suction lift
C. Low available NPSH and air leaks in the suction pipe
D. All A., B., and C.
What is the value of Fanning friction factor f ‘ for smooth pipe at NRe = 106 approximately ?
A. 0.003
B. 0.01
C. 0.1
D. 0.3
Which of the following equations as suggested by Colebrook and White gives the increase in roughness of a new surface (ε0) with age/time (t) (where, ε = roughness of the surface after time’t’. α = a co-efficient to be experimentally determined) ?
A. ε = ε0 + α.t
B. ε = ε0 + α.t2
C. ε = ε0 + α.t3
D. ε = ε0 + α.t4
Momentum correction factor used in fluid flow problems accounts for the__________________?
A. Change in direction of flow
B. Change in total energy
C. Change in pressure
D. Non uniform direction of velocities at inlet & outlet sections
Two piping system are said to be equivalent, when the ______________ are same?
A. Fluid flow rate & friction loss
B. Length & friction factor
C. Diameter & friction factor
D. Length & diameter
The valve used for very remote and accurate control of fluid is a _____________ valve?
A. Needle
B. Globe
C. Gate
D. Butterfly
For a given fluid flow rate, which of the following incurs maximum head loss ?
A. Orificemeter
B. Venturimeter
C. Flow nozzle
D. All of them incur the same head loss
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