.Management Sciences
Category: Chemical Process
Platinum catalyst used in the earlier days of sulphuric acid manufacture by contact process suffers from the drawback like_________________?
A. High cost
B. Fragile nature
C. Easy poisoning tendency
D. All A, B. and C.
Dechlorination of treated water is necessary to __________________?
A. Remove residual turbidity
B. Reduce the bacterial load on filter
C. Control taste and odour
D. Remove chlorinous taste
One of the steps during refining of cane sugar consists of addition of hydrated lime to the sugar syrup followed by carbonation of the resulting solution. The purpose of this step is to_________________?
A. Adjust the pH of the syrup
B. Remove the coloring matter from the syrup
C. Reduce the viscosity of the syrup
D. Improve the rate of crystallisation of sugar
Pick out the wrong statement ?
A. Strongly caking coal should not be used in the Lurgi gasifier
B. Acetylene gas cannot be used for illumination purpose
C. Water gas is called blue gas because of the color of the flame, when it is burnt
D. Gaseous fuels require less percentage of excess air for combustion as compared to liquid fuels
Multistage catalytic converter is not used in the___________________?
A. Conversion of SO2 to SO3
B. NH3 synthesis reaction
C. Both A. and B.
D. Neither A. nor B.
Le-Blanc process is a primitive process for the manufacture of___________________?
A. Caustic soda
B. Soda ash
C. Bromine from sea water
D. Hydrochloric acid
Glycerine is a by-product of the ________________ industry ?
A. Soap
B. Detergent
C. Oil hydrogenation
D. Paint
______________ is produced by the dehydrogenation of ethyl benzene ?
A. Styrene
B. Ethyl alcohol
C. Cumene
D. Phenol
Molasses is the starting material for the production of ___________________ ?
A. Alcohol
B. Essential oil
C. Fatty acids
D. Massecuite
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