.Management Sciences
Category: Biology Mcqs
A sponge of Antarctica which is more than a meter tall is____________?
A. Scolymastra joubini
B. Euplectella
C. Spongilla
D. Leucoselenia
It is the discharge of blood from blood vessels?
A. Myocardial infarction
B. Cerebral infarction
C. Cerebral Hemorrhage
D. Thromboembolism
Specific heat of vaporization of water is_______________?
A. 574 Kcal/kg
B. 674 Kcal/kg
C. 774 Kcal/kg
D. 874 Kcal/kg
The greatest diversity of animals in the lake is found in which one of the following zones?
A. Limmnetic zone
B. Littoral zone
C. Profundal zone
D. None of these
Following possess bilateral symmetry as larva and radial symmetry as adult:
A. Chordata
B. Hydra
C. Echinodermata
D. Hemichordata
The name Bacteriophage was coined by____________?
A. Charles Chamberland
B. Ivanowski
C. Twort
D. D Herelle
Which one of the following is different from all the rest regarding the number of cells inits body_______________?
A. Rusts
B. Mushrooms
C. Molds
D. Yeasts
Ecological role of fungi as decomposers is only paralleled by_____________?
A. Cyanobacteria
B. Blue green algae
C. Bacteria
D. Virus
Which chemical component has the same % in bacterial as well as the mammalian cell_____________?
A. Water
B. Carbohydrate
C. Proteins
D. Lipids
The one which is present in all living things
A. Cell nucleus
C. Cell membrane
D. Vacuole
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