.Management Sciences
Category: Soil Science
The safe limit of No2 in drinking water is_____________________?
A. 10 mg L-1
B. 15 mg L-1
C. 20 mg L-1
D. None of the above
Mechanisms of material uptake by plants is by____________________?
A. Diffusion
B. Osmosis
C. Root interception
D. Mass flow
Rocks formed from molten magma are called__________________?
A. Sedimentary rocks
B. Igneous rocks
C. Alluvial rocks
D. All the above
The inner shell of earth consists of_____________________?
A. Fe
B. Silicate
C. Mg
D. Silicate of Fe & Mg
Accumulation of soluble salts root zone is known as____________________?
A. Desodication
B. Sodication
C. Degradation
D. Salininzation
Soil structure without aggregation is known as____________________?
A. Platy
B. Granular
C. Massive
D. Both b & c
The water loss through transpiration from vegetative and evaporation from soil surface is known as__________________?
A. Evaptranspiration
B. Transpiration
C. Evaporation
D. Guttation
The moisture content below which a cohesive soil does stick to metal tools is known as______________________?
A. Liquid limit
B. Plastic limit
C. Sticky limit
D. Alter berg limit
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