.Management Sciences
Category: Plant Pathology
The major viral disease of cotton is____________________?
A. Cotton boll rot virus
B. Cotton stem crinkle virus
C. Cotton leaf curl virus
D. None of the above
Malpighian tubules are organs of_________________?
A. Excretion
B. Digestion
C. Secretion
D. None of the above
The main pest of fruit in Pakistan is_________________?
A. Fruit fly
B. Leaf minor
C. Scale insects
D. Hoppers
The sucking type insects of cotton are ________________?
A. Jassids and thrips
B. Wlutefly and jassids
C. Thrips and whitefly
D. All the above
The major disease of matter (field pea) is____________________?
A. Blight
B. Downy mildew
C. Powdery mildew
D. None
Bombyx morri is the name of___________________?
A. Lady bird beetle
B. Silk worm
C. Honey bee
D. None of the above
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