.Management Sciences
Category: Plant Pathology
Leaf spot or tikka is the disease of____________________?
A. Soybean
B. Sunflower
C. Ground nuts
D. none of these
Disease are transmitted through_________________?
A. Seeds
B. Agricultural machinery and implements
C. Winds, insects
D. All the above
Honey bee, bumble bee, butter flies and moths are___________________?
A. Productive insects
B. Parasites
C. Pests
D. Pollinators
Trachea in insects are the organ of___________________?
A. Digestion
B. Respiration
C. Excretion
D. Secretion
The insecticides with least mammalian toxicity are____________________?
A. Organo-phosphate
B. Organo-chlorine
C. Pyrethroids
D. Carbamates
The granular formulation are commonly applied to control_______________?
A. Jassids and thrips
B. Leaf minors
C. Fruit and stem borers
D. Whitefly
White rust of crucifers is caused by__________________?
A. Pemospora Parasitica
B. Alternarian solani
C. Albugo candida
D. Aspergillus niger
Insect body is divided in to_____________________?
A. 3 regions
B. 5 regions
C. 10 regions
D. 2 regions
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