.Management Sciences
Category: Agriculture Mcqs
In alluvial river due to the action of centrifugal force, bends are developed by scouring on concave and silting on convex _____________________?
A. Silting & scouring
B. Meandering
C. Aggrading
D. Degrading
A flow in which velocity of water particles is same at all sections is called ____________________?
A. Steady flow
B. Uniform flow
C. Compressible flow
D. Laminar flow
Broiler is obtained by the cross of ______________________?
A. White Cornish x White Plymothrock
B. White Cornish x Rhode Island Red
C. Rhode Island Red x White leg horn
D. White Plymothrock x Newhampshire
Total energy line (T.E.L) represents the sum of ________________________?
A. Pressure head + kinetic head and datum head
B. Velocity head + kinetic head + datum head
C. Velocity head + potential head + datum head
D. The energy head + potential head + datum head
Pilot tube is a device, which convert velocity head of flowing water into pressure by ____________________?
A. H = v2/2g
B. H = v/g
C. H = v2 / g2
D. H = v2 / g
Cattle was domesticated primarily for _______________?
A. Milk purpose
B. Skin/hide purpose
C. Meat purpose
D. Religious purpose
The lowest pest population that will cause economic damage is called__________________?
A. Economic pest
B. Economic threshold
C. Economic damage
D. None of the above
Botanical name of American cotton is_________________?
A. G. hirsutum
B. G. arborium
C. G. barb dense
D. Non of these
Which scientist is considered to be the father of animal Nutrition _________________?
A. Lehman
B. Morrison
C. Lavasior
D. Wolff
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