.Management Sciences
Category: Entomology
For safe application of pesticide which things are required ?
A. Goggles, respirator
B. Overall,gloves
C. Head cores
D. All of above
The process of periodic shedding of hard secretion cuticle which occurs during developmental stages of insects is called_______________?
A. Moulting
B. Ecdysis
C. Exuvium
D. Moulting and Ecdysis
Which hormone cause moulting in insect_________________?
A. Ecdysone
B. Juvenile
C. Activation hormone
D. None of the above
Type of pheromone which get together the insects for food and mating is known as________________?
A. Alarm pheromone
B. Aggregation pheromone
C. Sex pheromone
D. Trial marking pheromone
A mixture included pesticides which do not increase or decrease the efficacy of each other is called___________________?
A. Additive mixture
B. Antagonistic mixture
C. Potentiating mixture
D. None of the Above
The type of diapause which occur in winter is________________?
A. Hibernation
B. Aestivation
C. Stravation
D. Dormancy
Which sex of mosquito bites the human being__________________?
A. Male
B. Female
C. Both of sex
D. None of above
Type of reproduction in which young ones Produced form unfertilized eggs is________________?
A. Parthenogenesis
B. Pacdogenesis
C. Vtviparity
D. Polyenibryony
Insect body divided into external grooves called Sutures__________________?
A. Sutures
B. Somites
C. Sclerite
D. Acron
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