.Management Sciences
Category: Agronomy
A crop grown on residual moisture after harvesting rice is called__________________?
A. Barani crop
B. Dubari crop
C. Ratoon crop
D. Sure crop
Growing more then one crop in a season in the same land is called________________?
A. Monocropping
B. Double cropping
C. Intensive cropping
D. Intercropping
Prescribed germination percentage of foundation seed of ground nut is_________________?
A. 70
B. 20
C. 85
D. 90
Generally field crops are cultivated at altitude__________________?
A. 20004000 ft
B. 0008000 ft
C. 1200014000 ft
D. 02000 ft
Plants having no defined limits of vegetative and reproductive element is called______________?
A. Absolute growth
B. Assimilation
C. Indeterminate growth
D. Determinate growth
Wheat is predominantly________________?
A. Self pollinated crop
B. Often cross pollinated crop
C. Cross pollinated crop
D. Apomictie crop
The systematic arrangement of soil in to groups or categories is called_________________?
A. Classification
B. Annuals
C. Perennials
D. Ranking
Cotton plant has a mode of germination______________?
A. Hypogeal germination
B. Epigeal germination
C. Both of the above
D. non of these
Genus of cotton is___________________?
A. Hirsutum
B. Triticum
C. Gassypium
D. Hordeunt
The ratio of actual cultivated’ area to a total farm area over the year is called __________________?
A. Cropping pattern
B. Cropping intensity
C. Cost benefit ratio
D. Cropping system
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