.Management Sciences
Author: Hamad
The break down of pertinacious material is referred to as____________________?
A. Autolysis
B. Lipolysis
C. Proteolysis
D. non of these
Which of the following is not a PERT event ?
A. site investigation started
B. sessional work completed
C. bus starts from Jaipur
D. class is being attended
Film boiling is usually not desired in commercial equipments, because____________________?
A. The heat transfer rate is low in view of the large temperature drop
B. It is difficult to maintain
C. It is not economic
D. None of these
By______________ Shakespeare had established himself in London as an actor and dramatist?
A. 1590
B. 1591
C. 1592
D. 1593
A ship strikes the berth generally at an angle_________________?
A. 90° with the face of the dock
B. 45° with the face of the dock
C. 30° with the face of the dock
D. 10° with the face of the dock
A body floats in stable equilibrium________________?
A. when its meatcentric height is zero
B. when the metancentre is above e.g
C. when its e.g. is below it’s center of buoyancy
D. metacentre has nothing to do with position of e.g. for determining stability
E. none of the above
A double squirrel-cage induction motor has______________?
A. two rotors moving in oppsite direction
B. two parallel windings in stator
C. two parallel windings in rotor
D. two series windings in stator
Microfossile often present in petroleum producing formationsare those of__________?
A. Diatioms
B. Heliozoans
C. Radiolarians
D. Foraminiferans
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