.Management Sciences
Category: Software Engineering Mcqs
Language-based, machine-readable representations of what a software process is supposed to do, or how a software process is supposed to accomplish its task is known as_________________?
A. prototyping
B. software specifications
C. application programs
D. human engineering
A _______________ defines a set of standards for components, including interface standards, usage standards, and deployment standards?
A. Component-based software engineering
B. Component composition
C. Component model
D. Component interfaces
All the operations in a transaction need to be completed before the database changes are made _________________?
A. functional
B. available to the users
C. permanent
D. none of the mentioned
All of the following are phases of systems analysis, except ?
A. decision analysis phase
B. requirements analysis phase
C. design analysis phase
D. problem analysis phase
To add a custom control to a Web form we have to register with?
A. Name space of the dll that is referenced
B. Assemblyname
C. TagPrefix
D. All of the above
What is/are the predefined TraceListener(s) in ASP.Net?
A. EventLogTraceListener
B. TextWriterTraceListener
C. DefaultTraceListener
D. All of the above
Which one of the following fact-finding techniques is an inexpensive means of gathering data from a large number of individuals ?
A. observations
B. work sampling
C. interviews
D. none of the above
The spiral model has two dimensions namely _______________ and _______________?
A. diagonal, angular
B. radial, perpendicular
C. radial, angular
D. diagonal, perpendicular
Which of the following is a requirement when merging modified data into a DataSet ?
A. The DataSet schemas must match in order to merge
B. The destination DataSet must be empty prior to merging
C. A primary key must be defined on the DataTable objects
D. A DataSet must be merged into the same DataSet that created it.
How do you trace the application_End event on runtime ?
A. By Debugging
B. Can not be done
C. By Tracing
D. By Stopping
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