.Management Sciences
Category: Basic of linux unix
What does FSF stand for ?
A. Free Software File
B. File Server First
C. First Serve First
D. Free Software Foundation
Which of the following commands is used to identify the type of file by context ?
A. ls
B. cat
C. file
D. more
What hardware architectures are not supported by Red Hat ?
B. IBM-compatible
C. Alpha
D. Macintosh
What X-based tool is available for configuring the X Window system ?
A. XConfigurator
B. XF86Setup
C. xf86config
D. All of the above
The command chmod 761 note is equivalent to_________________?
A. chmod 167 note
B. chmod u=rwx, g=rw, o=x note
C. chmo a =761 note
D. chmod 4=7, g=6,0 =1 note
The physical layer of a network________________?
A. constructs packets of data and sends them across the network
B. controls error detection and correction
C. defines the electrical characteristics of signals passed between the computer and communication devices
D. All of the above
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