.Management Sciences
Category: Microbiology
Each of the following viruses possesses an outer lipoprotein envelope except_____________?
A. Varicella Zoster Virus
B. Papilloma Virus
C. Influenza Virus
D. Human immunodeficiency virus
Virulence of Gonococcus is due to___________________?
A. Pili
B. Cell Membrane
C. Its intracellular location
D. Cytolytic enzymes
Example of immune complex hyper-sensitivity reaction is______________?
A. Atopic allergy
B. Serum sickness
C. Transfusion reaction
D. Contact dermatitis
Australian antigen is_______________?
A. HB Ag
D. None of the above
Malignant pustule is referred to_________________?
A. Facio-cervical actinomycosis
B. Cutaneous anthrax
C. Infected squamous cell carcinoma
D. None of the above
The following immunoglobulin is not known to fix complement_________________?
A. IgE
B. IgM
C. IgA
D. IgG
Dark ground microscopy is useful to identify______________?
A. Mycoplasma
B. Chlamydiae
C. Rickettsiae
D. Spirochaetes
True about prions________________?
A. Composed largely proteins without any nucleic acid
B. Phase in which virus cannot be demonstrated in host cell
C. Viruses which are genetically deficient
D. Viral components may be synthesized but maturation & assembling is defective
Which of the following methods is adopted for screening HIV infection ?
A. Virus isolation
B. Western blot followed by ELISA
C. ELISA followed by western blot technique
D. Polymers chain reaction
All of the following lab tests can be used to distinguish streptococcus mutans from other oral streptococci, except______________?
A. Gram staining
B. Fermentation of mannitol and sorbital
C. Production of intracellular and extracellular adherent polysacharide
D. Colony morphology on saliva agar
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