.Management Sciences
Category: General Microbiology
The exact part of the antigen that reacts with the immune system is called as_____________?
A. Clone
B. Epitope
C. Idiotope
D. Paratope
Which component of the cell wall is responsible________________?
A. Region I
B. Region II
C. Region III
D. Boivin antigen
Flash pasteurization of milk is done at what temperature______________?
A. 125°C for new seconds
B. 60°C for 15 minutes
C. 72°C for 5 minutes
D. 72° for 15 – 20 Sec
Operation theatres are sterilized by_____________?
A. Carbolic acid spraying
B. Washing with soap and water
C. Formaldehyde fumigation
D. ETO gas
Which of the following organisms does NOT react with gram’s stain ?
A. Actinomyces israelii
B. Candida albicans
C. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
D. Streptococcus mutan
Sterilisation is______________?
A. Pathogens killed but spores are not affected
B. Only pathogenic micro-organisms killed
C. Non-pathogenic killed
D. All pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms killed
Spores are disinfected by_______________?
A. Glutaraldehyde
B. Betapropiolactone
C. Formaldehyde
D. Hexachlorophen
E. Both A & C
Immunoglobulin consists of________________?
A. 2 light, 2 heavy chains
B. 1 heavy, 2 light chains
C. 1 light, 1 heavy chain
D. 3 light, 1 heavy chain
Which of the following is not true of boiling water_____________?
A. It can kill hepatitis B virus
B. Used for sterilizing surgical instruments
C. Can kill mycobacterium tuberculosis
D. Can kill vegetative bacterial cells
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