.Management Sciences
Category: Islamic Studies Mcqs
What was the age of Hazrat Abdul Muttalib?
A. 96 years
B. 95 years
C. 94 years
D. 93 years
E. 92 years
The creation of heaven and earth is in which Surah ________?
A. Surah Yaseen
B. Surah rehman
C. Surah namal
D. Surah Al Al A’raf
Islamic Studies Mcqs
Name the first Muslim among slaves?
A. Hazrat Usamah bin Zaid (RA)
B. Hazrat Bilal Habshi (RA)
C. Hazrat Zaid bin Haris (RA)
D. None of these
The worship place of the Jews is called?
A. Mosque
B. Synagogue
C. Gurdwara
D. Jinja
E. Mandir (Temple)
Name the first authority for the compilation of Ahadis?
A. Imam Maalik
B. Imam Bukhari
C. Imam Ahmad
D. Imam Abu Hanifa
According to the holy Quran what is the chosen religion of Allah?
A. Jewish
B. Confucianism
C. Islam
D. Christian
حضرت عبیدہؓ بن حارث مطبلی کا لقب کیا ہے_________؟
❶. زاہد
❸. شیخ المہاجرین
❹. ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
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