.Management Sciences
Category: Economic Development in Historical Perspective
How has the relative gap between GNP per capita for Western Europe and GNP per capita for African less-developed countries changed from the late nineteenth century to the present ?
A. declined
B. increased
C. remained the same
D. cannot be determined
ASEAN refers to the ?
A. Association of South East Argo Nations
B. Association of South East Asian Nations
C. Alliance of South East Asian Neighbors
D. Alliance of South Eastern African Nations
Keiretsu refers to ?
A. groups of affiliated companies loosely organized around a large bank
B. horizontal manufacturing groups consisting of a core company and its partners
C. State-assisted entrepreneurs
D. financial cliques
Why has modern economic growth mainly been in western countries ?
A. a strong Catholic church intervention in the economic decisions
B. an emphasis on trade restrictions
C. the use of the medieval economy
D. the rise of capitalism
Why has the growth of the German and Japanese economies after World War|| not been repeated in LDCs ?
A. low interest rates
B. political instability inhibits world-wide investment
C. human capital or technical skills were lacking
D. real domestic currency depreciation exists
The bourgeoisie refers to ?
A. the monarchy
B. the central planners of the Soviet Union
C. the capitalist and middle class
D. the aristocrats of wealthy nations
Korea’s keirestsu-like corporate conglomerates is known as ?
A. zaibatsu
B. chaebol
C. laissez faire
D. bourgeoisie
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