.Management Sciences
Category: Irrigation, Water Resources Engineering and Hydrology
A hydroelectric scheme operating under a head of 80 m will be classified as_____________?
A. low head scheme
B. medium head scheme
C. high head scheme
D. none of the above
Variability of rainfall is____________?
1) largest in regions of high rainfall
2) largest in coastal areas
3) largest in regions of scanty rainfall
The correct answer is?
A. only (1)
B. (1) and (2)
C. only (3)
D. (2) and (3)
The stream which does not have any base flow contribution is called________________?
A. perennial stream
B. intermittent stream
C. ephemeral stream
D. none of the above
A river training work is generally required when the river is_______________?
A. aggrading type
B. degrading type
C. meandering type
D. both (A) and (B)
Cyclonic precipitation is caused by lifting of an air mass due to________________?
A. pressure difference
B. temperature difference
C. natural topographical barriers
D. all of the above
Which of the following types of rain gauges is used for measuring rain in remote hilly inaccessible areas ?
A. tipping bucket type
B. weighing type
C. floating type
D. Simon’s raingauge
A hyetograph is a graphical representation of___________________?
A. rainfall intensity and time
B. rainfall depth and time
C. discharge and time
D. cumulative rainfall and time
Infiltration capacity_________________?
A. is a constant factor
B. changes with time
C. changes with location
D. changes with both time and location
Irrigation water having the concentration of Na++ , Ca++ and Mg++ as 20, 3 and 1 Milli equivalent per litre respectively will be classified as__________________?
A. low sodium water
B. medium sodium water
C. high sodium water
D. very high sodium water
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