.Management Sciences
Category: Agricultural economics
People who are eager and able to work but for whom no suitable jobs are available?
A. Unemployment
B. Open unemployment
C. Under employment
D. Disguised employment
Failure to achieve full production is called ?
A. Unemployment
B. Under employment
C. Unplanned
D. None
Productive efficiency means___________________?
A. Producing all output combinations in the least costly way
B. Producing the specific output mix most desired by society
C. Producing the desired ones only
D. None
A commercial bank authorized by state govt. to engage in business of banking ?
A. National Bank
B. State Bank
C. Business authorized bank
D. None
An economic system in which property resources are publicly owned and govt uses central economic planning to direct & coordinate economic activities ?
A. Command economy
B. Closed economy
C. Open economy
D. None
Any system that features one price for sellers and another for buyers ?
A. Dual price system
B. Floor pricing
C. Ceiling pricing
D. None
Increasing a country’s stock of real capital (net investment in fixed essels)__________________?
A. Capital accumulation
B. Capital dumping
C. Capital stock
D. None
When price for one and demand for other move in same direction we say them___________________?
A. Complementary
B. Substitutes
C. Supplementary
D. None
Other thing remain the same as price rises, the corresponding quantity supplied rises, as price falls the quantity supplied falls is___________________?
A. Say’s law
B. Keynes theory of supply
C. Law of supply
D. None
Aggregate inequality measures that can vary anywhere from O (perfect equality) to 1 (perfect inequality) are given by________________?
A. Gini co-efficient
B. Rostow’s model
C. Lewis theory
D. None
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